You can count on the bad bad weather

I keep meaning to write and meaning to write and I keep getting sidetracked. Gotta love the insanity that is life.

It has been raining here on an almost daily basis for the last couple of months. It’s absolutely insane. I mean, I don’t think we have even broken 100 yet, and that’s highly unusual for Dallas. We’re only just finally getting regular 90 degree days – in a typical summer, those are a daily occurrence for a minimum of a month by now. It’s so freakishly weird. We were in a drought for the last two years, and now in a matter of 6 months we’ve received MORE rainfall than we normally get in an entire year! There have been tons of problems with flooding, and some cities near DFW have declared a state of emergency because of all the flood waters. It truly doesn’t seem like summer at all.

My friend KD and I went to see Transformers on the 4th. I was kind of expecting a cheesy movie, but it was really amazing. They did a great job with it. It had rained some while we were watching the movie, and on the way out of the theater that created a problem for me. You know the red paint they use for fire lanes? When wet, that stuff can get very slick. One second I was walking and talking, laughing about the movie — the next I had slipped and was falling. Yup, another fall for me; and I landed on the same leg as I did 3 months ago. There were some short concrete poles there, and I grabbed at one as I fell. It didn’t stop me, but it did slow my fall, so my leg didn’t get as badly beat up, but I still had some bruising and knotted muscles, etc. For a day or two after the fall, the arm that I grabbed the pole with to slow my fall was in some serious pain too. I pulled a bunch of muscles on that side of my body from grabbing the pole. Figures, I just can’t stay uninjured for any length of time.

I ended up getting another injection in my tailbone last week. I went to a new doctor this time around, and things went a lot smoother. The best part about it — the injection was done in his office! He has a small surgical room set up to do the injections there. That is a HELL of a lot better than having to do it as day surgery at the hospital!! A lot cheaper too! Another benefit — no anesthesia this time. I was a little nervous about that before the shot, but afterwards I was fine. I really have NO clue why I had to be knocked out for the shot the first time. The injections in my knees are more painful than that! I am having a little bit of pain in the area still though, but in comparison to what it was pre-shot, it’s incredibly minor. I do have a follow-up visit in a few weeks, so I’ll bring up the fact that there’s still minor pain then. It’s not significant enough to worry about trying to get in sooner.

Today, I’m off to the knee doctor. More than likely I’ll be getting injections there as well. I’m kind of hoping I do, since I am going on vacation and need to be able to walk easily.

Last week, I got a jury summons. UGH! They wanted me to report on July 31st, but with that being only 3 days before I leave for vacation, that wouldn’t work. I sent in a request for postponement until after I get back from vacation, so I’ll likely be doing jury duty some time in August. I hope I don’t get picked. Or, if I do get picked, I hope it’s for a cool case. hahah.

God I can’t wait for my vacation to get here. Only 16 more days!! WOOO HOOOO!!!! We’re finally starting to get plans set up better, (my fault there) and it’s starting to sink in that it’s getting close and I’m getting more and more excited. I need to work on my various lists so I can make sure I have everything I need to take with me. I just ordered a couple of books last night for the flights. I’ve already got some Canadian money bought, but I need to buy more. I think we’re going this weekend, because mom needs to buy some too. I’ve had a couple of shopping sprees, buying new clothes & shoes for the trip. And, as stated above, I’ve had tons of doctor visits this month, making sure that I won’t be in pain. Yay!

I have the need to ramble more, but I’m stuck on what to ramble about. So I’ll go and pretend to work some more (already done for the day) until either it’s time for me to leave, or I think of something else to write.

It ain’t the fall that’ll kill you baby, it’s the sudden stop

I know, I know. Most of my entries lately have centered around work (which is getting better right now – YAY!). And the bulk of this entry is likely to be about pain, my other common topic. I really do need to find better things to write about. Of course, I have been a very bad & flaky best friend, and still haven’t written about vacation taken in April, or even finished my vacation recap entry from last year. I need to do that. I know it.

I got to see Serenity on the big screen again over the weekend. Sure, I have the DVD and can watch it whenever — but nothing beats seeing it in the theater. And yup, I’m going to be a total geek and go see Transformers next week.

In just @ 38 days, I’ll be off to Canada again to visit my best friend. Mom is tagging along for a couple of days, she wants to see Toronto, and we’re going to have a great big family trip down to Niagara Falls while she’s there. Then it’ll be just me & Emily getting to run around creating havoc, if we so choose. Haha.

In the meantime, though, I’m looking at another slate of doctor visits. My tailbone is acting up again, driving me insane. (My tailbone is dislocated and arthritic. WHAT FUN! *cough*) When I had my follow up visit for the tendonitis in my arm, the doc gave me a general cortisone injection. That was nice; it even took the pain from my knees & tailbone away for a few weeks, in addition to helping out my arm. Bad part, it’s wearing off and the tailbone pain is worse than ever. I’m having issues even sitting today – I want to be at home in bed and not in this chair at work. Even my chair at home would be nice; it’s more comfortable than this. Only 4 more hours. I’ve got a visit with the orthopedist tomorrow and the pain management doc on Thursday. I’m likely looking at being knocked out again to get another localized cortisone injection. I hope that one lasts longer than 5 months! If that is the doctors suggestion hope that I can get that scheduled ASAP. There’s no way on earth I could sit for 3+ hours on an airplane with this kind of pain. It was just starting to hurt when I was traveling last October and that was uncomfortable. The way I’m hurting now would be a nightmare. Sigh.

I was going to ramble more, but I just can’t sit still and focus well enough to do so. Maybe next time.

I’m in the middle of a chain reaction

Yesterday I had a very mild reaction to a new fabric softener we used. Luckily, it was just a reaction to the scent, and it only made me a little itchy and slightly difficult to breathe. But I made it the whole day at work then came home and rewashed all my clothes with the trusty old fabric softener. There’s still a tiny bit of the scent, so they might need another washing, but it’s a major improvement.

Had a dentist appt earlier this afternoon. Kevin (dentist) and I were talking about how long it’s been since I’ve been coming to see him, and he was telling Kim (tech) that my dad was one of his top patients when he was going through dental school. That was roughly 17 years ago — Kevin was putting himself through dental school as a limo driver for Jerry Jones back then. Once he opened his own practice, the whole family started going to see him. Currently, I’m the only person still seeing him, since he’s not on mom or Aaron’s insurance any more.

I don’t know why I’m rambling about that. I’m in a rambly mood. I’m still a little loopy from the laughing gas at the dentist. It was almost a disaster when I was trying to make dinner tonight. I thought I grabbed a can of chili and started opening it — only to slosh liquid all over myself. Turned out I grabbed a can of pork & beans. Oops? I had trouble opening the cans, too. Apparently you actually have to open the can opener to fit it over the lip of the can. You can’t just force the can between the two blade bits! Imagine that! Hah. Luckily it’s only my top lip that is still numb … so eating isn’t a disaster, too.

Hmm. It’s time for American Idol. Guess I should go. GO BLAKE!

ETA: My cat, Mali, is sitting in her normal spot behind the monitor. When Blake started singing “This Love” – she peaked out from behind the monitor and stared at the tv. Hee!!