Category: Ramblings
Come with me and escape
Okay. I’m going to go from not writing much at all in my blog for the last few months, to probably 3 or so posts in one day. Whee. 😉 haha. I was going to put all of this in one post, but I started thinking and even though a lot of it is very entwined together, I’d really rather focus on just specific parts in specific posts, so that nothing gets lost in the shuffle. (And because I’m just completely weird, but we knew that one already.)
So. First post: the good stuff of late. On Oct 24th, I headed up to Canada to visit Emily again. When I got to the airport and checked in, I got offered the chance to upgrade to first class, for a small fee. Since I had used my airline miles to book the flight, it cost me only taxes & processing fees for the trip, so hell yes I jumped at the chance to fly first class up there. Even with that upgrade — it was still considerably cheaper than it would’ve been if I’d bought an economy ticket. Hee! I absolutely loved getting to fly first class. (I’ve flown it once before, but that was on a shorter flight, so I didn’t get the full experience.) It was total pampering the entire flight, as well as a delicious hot meal, salad, dessert… I was absolutely beyond stuffed by the time we landed. And of course there were the hot towels, and bowl of warm nuts, and incredibly attentive flight staff, and one of the flight attendants had a bag of candy & toys that she brought around so we could all trick or treat from it. Haha. I got through customs very quickly as well, since I was one of the first people off the plane. (Second person on, fourth person off. Hee!) And my luggage was also off pretty quickly too.
The trip was wonderful, too. My knees gave me a bit of a problem because it was a good bit cooler there than back home, so it made my arthritis go all nuts, but I still enjoyed myself very much. We went downtown on Thursday, to see Raine Maida (of Our Lady Peace) busking on a street corner, to raise money to help War Child build a school in the Congo. I snapped a few pictures, but they are on the PC at home — I forgot to upload them. So… consider this a place holder for where the pictures will go: *insert place holder here* Haha You can check out the pictures here.
Friday night, we went to see Matthew Good perform at Massey Hall. I wouldn’t consider myself a big Matt fan, but I do enjoy his music. The concert was an acoustic show, and he was absolutely incredible. I was definitely blown away — he sounds amazing live. The show went for almost 2 hours, and it seemed like it was over way too quickly. I could’ve definitely stayed there a few more hours to listen to him sing. I love shows where the artist sounds as good or better live than they do on their CDs.
Saturday & Sunday, Emily and I got in some nice R&R, before I had to head home. :'( I never want to leave when I’m up there. Aside from one thing that I’ll get into in another post, the plane ride home was nice and easy. No first class this time, but I kept myself occupied by playing Sudoku on my DS Lite and we were landing in Dallas before I knew it. I used to dislike Sudoku, but I started it as part of my training on the Brain Age game, and I’m starting to get quite good at it. And maybe a little obsessed with playing it. lol. (So far, my best time to solve a board was just under 3 minutes. YAY!)
Hmmm. More good things for this post… oh yes! I finally picked a license plate I wanted to try for. I couldn’t get the spelling I wanted, so I just added an extra O, and voila it’s mine! I just got my receipt last week to show that it was approved and the plates were ordered, I should be getting the instructions on how to pick it up soon. So, by the end of the month, my plates will read “WHOO R U”. *giggles*
My mom got a letter from immigration on Friday. (She is applying for citizenship, if I haven’t mentioned that before.) They gave her a date, time, and place for her test and interview!! She’ll be taking the test on December 15th. So, mom could end up being a US citizen by year’s end. It’s only taken her 35 years to apply, but… better late that never? hahah.
Okay, that’s all that’s coming to mind for the good stuff, right now. Plus, it’s time for me to get back to work since my lunch break is over. Two more posts to come soon!
I’ve learned to feel what I cannot see
I need to write. I need to write a bunch of things. I haven’t done a proper entry in eons. I have plenty of things swirling in my brain that I need to post about, I just haven’t been able to get words written. They don’t want to cooperate with me at all. I’m likely to ramble like crazy here, so be forewarned.
I know this is, like, 2+ months after the fact — but I had an amazing birthday. I spent it in Toronto with Emily, the actual day was spent at her lake cottage. The first part of the week, my mom came up and we all played tourist, taking her around the city, and down to Niagara Falls. After she left, Emily and I headed to the lake for a couple of days. At the end of the week, we went to the African Lion Safari. That place was wild. I’ve been to drive-through safari’s before, ones where you get to feed the animals. But I have never been to one where you are driving through the same pen as lions and cheetahs, where literally the only thing between you and them is your car! That was freaky, and so cool. The monkeys loved to climb all over people’s cars in their area. I’ve got pictures from that trip up here.
That trip also gave me one of the best birthday moments I can remember. We decided to jump back into the lake late that night, and we were in the water at the exact minute I turned 33. As we were swimming in that cold water under the moonlight, we saw several shooting stars. I think it was a total of 3 shooting stars while we were in the water. This was a few nights before the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, so I wasn’t expecting to see anything yet. So, getting to see the first few just made my birthday that much more special.
Back to the present — I got to test drive the Smart Car today. I am so absolutely in love with that thing. It’s a lot roomier than it looks from the outside, even plenty of room in the back for luggage. I want one of those so badly, but I don’t want another car payment. I’m enjoying not having one, and my car is still running incredibly well, so I’ll be happy with what I have for another few years.
Last week I started seeing a psychologist. It’s something I’ve needed to do for years on end, but I always had a million excuses for putting it off. No more though. The lady I met with was very nice, and I think we should get along well enough to make me comfortable for the sessions. Thanks to vacation and several other doctor and dentists appointments, I don’t get to go back until the first week of November.
This is going to be a very short week for me at work. I’m only working tomorrow, and most of Tuesday. Wednesday morning, I’ve got a bunch of doctor’s appointments, then it’s off to Toronto again. More play time!! Definitely looking forward to getting to see Emily again.
I have tons more that I could ramble about, but I think I’ll just stop there. heh.