It’s only a matter of time before you shatter

I had my knee appointment yesterday, and as predicted, I got corticosteroid shots in both knees. The shots themselves were less painful this time, although the left knee always hurts worse than the right. That part was a plus. I got home, had a quick bite to eat, then hopped in bed — my usual post-shot routine. Nap only last about 1.5 to 2 hours since I had difficulty getting comfortable.

This time, though, my knees don’t want to play well. They seized up pretty badly after the shots, considerably worse than they have in the past. Getting up/sitting down is incredibly difficult, and I look pretty pathetic when I try to walk. I wasn’t able to sleep much at all last night. I tried my bed, and could not find a comfortable position. I ended up carefully making my way down stairs to attempt sleeping in the recliner. I was able to fall asleep there, but couldn’t stay asleep for more than 1.5 hours. So, since I went to bed last night, I’ve only had 3 hours of sleep. Grrr. I’m exhausted and sore and just want to pass out, but I can’t sleep.

Obviously, with this lack of sleep and inability to walk/sit/stand, I’m not going in to work today. This is the first day I’ve had to miss due to the injections. And it couldn’t be at a worse time, since I’ve had a ton of time off for doctor’s appointments this month. Sigh. Oh well. What can I do?

You can count on the bad bad weather

I keep meaning to write and meaning to write and I keep getting sidetracked. Gotta love the insanity that is life.

It has been raining here on an almost daily basis for the last couple of months. It’s absolutely insane. I mean, I don’t think we have even broken 100 yet, and that’s highly unusual for Dallas. We’re only just finally getting regular 90 degree days – in a typical summer, those are a daily occurrence for a minimum of a month by now. It’s so freakishly weird. We were in a drought for the last two years, and now in a matter of 6 months we’ve received MORE rainfall than we normally get in an entire year! There have been tons of problems with flooding, and some cities near DFW have declared a state of emergency because of all the flood waters. It truly doesn’t seem like summer at all.

My friend KD and I went to see Transformers on the 4th. I was kind of expecting a cheesy movie, but it was really amazing. They did a great job with it. It had rained some while we were watching the movie, and on the way out of the theater that created a problem for me. You know the red paint they use for fire lanes? When wet, that stuff can get very slick. One second I was walking and talking, laughing about the movie — the next I had slipped and was falling. Yup, another fall for me; and I landed on the same leg as I did 3 months ago. There were some short concrete poles there, and I grabbed at one as I fell. It didn’t stop me, but it did slow my fall, so my leg didn’t get as badly beat up, but I still had some bruising and knotted muscles, etc. For a day or two after the fall, the arm that I grabbed the pole with to slow my fall was in some serious pain too. I pulled a bunch of muscles on that side of my body from grabbing the pole. Figures, I just can’t stay uninjured for any length of time.

I ended up getting another injection in my tailbone last week. I went to a new doctor this time around, and things went a lot smoother. The best part about it — the injection was done in his office! He has a small surgical room set up to do the injections there. That is a HELL of a lot better than having to do it as day surgery at the hospital!! A lot cheaper too! Another benefit — no anesthesia this time. I was a little nervous about that before the shot, but afterwards I was fine. I really have NO clue why I had to be knocked out for the shot the first time. The injections in my knees are more painful than that! I am having a little bit of pain in the area still though, but in comparison to what it was pre-shot, it’s incredibly minor. I do have a follow-up visit in a few weeks, so I’ll bring up the fact that there’s still minor pain then. It’s not significant enough to worry about trying to get in sooner.

Today, I’m off to the knee doctor. More than likely I’ll be getting injections there as well. I’m kind of hoping I do, since I am going on vacation and need to be able to walk easily.

Last week, I got a jury summons. UGH! They wanted me to report on July 31st, but with that being only 3 days before I leave for vacation, that wouldn’t work. I sent in a request for postponement until after I get back from vacation, so I’ll likely be doing jury duty some time in August. I hope I don’t get picked. Or, if I do get picked, I hope it’s for a cool case. hahah.

God I can’t wait for my vacation to get here. Only 16 more days!! WOOO HOOOO!!!! We’re finally starting to get plans set up better, (my fault there) and it’s starting to sink in that it’s getting close and I’m getting more and more excited. I need to work on my various lists so I can make sure I have everything I need to take with me. I just ordered a couple of books last night for the flights. I’ve already got some Canadian money bought, but I need to buy more. I think we’re going this weekend, because mom needs to buy some too. I’ve had a couple of shopping sprees, buying new clothes & shoes for the trip. And, as stated above, I’ve had tons of doctor visits this month, making sure that I won’t be in pain. Yay!

I have the need to ramble more, but I’m stuck on what to ramble about. So I’ll go and pretend to work some more (already done for the day) until either it’s time for me to leave, or I think of something else to write.

So lonely inside, so busy out there

Now on to a little more “serious” post than the last few.

Work is… well, it’s not the best. Not that it’s bad, either things just aren’t good around here. After the layoffs and store closings, they never did anything to definitively tell people “hey, we’re in it to stay, we’re focused on staying open” or other things of that nature. There was just a lot of spin talk, but nothing that gave any confidence in our future. As a result, people have been jumping ship like crazy. Some departments have actually brought back people that were laid off because the people left behind all quit to go work elsewhere.

They kept finding reasons and ways to extend my boss’ 30 days out into more like 60+ days. His boss wanted to keep him around until he was able to find something new, so it wouldn’t be so hard on him and his family. I have to say that was pretty nice. He finally did find a new job though, and so his last day is May 2. I am truly going to miss him, he was probably one of the better bosses I’ve ever had; by far the nicest.

In the larger scope of my department, we are losing 3 more people this week to new jobs. I’m talking about managers, senior directors, etc. Higher level folks, with no one to come in and take over their positions. I wouldn’t be surprised if we lose even more, as almost everyone around here is looking for a new job. Even my only remaining coworker is looking.

As for me? It may be stupid, foolish, or whatever, but I haven’t started looking yet. Partly because I’m comfortable. I don’t want the hassle and stress of looking. I might have a little stress now whereas before I had none, but it’s still a decent job. Plus, if I’m staying, I have a modicum of job security (as long as we stay in business) since everyone else is leaving. Someone will have to do the work, after all. 😉

I also haven’t started looking for a new job … because I don’t have a clue as to what on earth I would want to do. I don’t know if I’d want to do the same thing again somewhere else. I can’t do data entry anymore – my typing speed just isn’t what it used to be, and with my tendency towards tendonitis (and the possibility of it developing into carpal tunnel), I know that I will never be able to type as fast as I used to again. The check room stuff is nice, it’s fun getting to cut checks. But at the same time, I don’t know if I’d want to do it full time somewhere. There are plenty of things I’m “good” at, that I just don’t really enjoy doing. And the stuff that I do enjoy, I’m not good at. Figures, eh? I’ve rarely done the same thing twice in any of the many jobs I’ve had. This is the longest I’ve ever worked at any company by a long shot. (It will be 8 years in Sept, but officially 8 in Oct because I started as a temp.) I’m tired of being here, but like I said, it’s comfortable. I know what I can and can’t get away with. Hah.

Due to the layoffs and ever shrinking staff, we no longer need the entire building we are occupying. (Basement, 10 “regular” floors, plus the 11th floor exec level which is only accessible by the freight elevator or a staircase in the 10th floor reception area. PLUS a small 1 story bank building detached from the main building.) As a result, “sometime in the future” we are consolidating down to the first 5 floors of the building. The folks in the bank building are apparently going to share the basement with the mail guys. Rumor has it, my area will be going down to the 1st floor. That will be nice, I won’t have to wait on the elevators any longer. Being on the 10th floor is absolutely AWFUL when trying to take the elevators, since we’re the top floor they service, and there are all those stops in between. Ugh. But, I’ll lose my nice window view when we move, and that makes me kind of sad. The room that is (again, rumored) to become my office is currently an interior file room, no windows; but it is a bit bigger than my current office. (Possibly slightly narrower, but definitely longer.) I can live without the windows after all I have to have the blinds here closed 99% of the time thanks to the glare on the computer screen. One thing I’m worried about, though, is that because the room is bigger, they might set it up so I have to share the office with the ECWFH. I REALLY hope not. I absolutely love having a space that is 100% mine. Back several years ago, the cash office (my office) used to be in that same file room down on the first floor, and they did have it configured for 2 people. So I know they can fit 2 in there. I just don’t want it that way. Haha. Too bad I don’t have a say in it.

As I said at the beginning, though, even the ECWFH is looking for a new job. So my fears of sharing with her might be unfounded, because she might quit. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she did come summer time, regardless of if she has found a new job or not. She doesn’t need to work, she just does it to get out of the house. I have a hunch she is planning a trip this summer, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she just quit so that she could take it and spend time with her kids on summer vacation before getting a new job. If and when that does happen? That is when I will lose what is left of my sanity. While she may drive me absolutely crazy, and I might already be doing the majority of the work … if she’s gone, then I really will be doing ALL of the work, with no one to back me up when I want to go on vacation or I need to stay home sick. I don’t like that prospect, at all.

And in other news, my Nana was hospitalized over the weekend. Her pulse had dropped down to 30 bpm. They did surgery to implant a pace maker, and she went home on Monday and is recovering well. She could have gone home sooner, but they didn’t want to her to have to go home via ambulance, so she stayed an extra night at the hospital. When we were out for dinner with my Grandma the other week, we learned that Aunt Cookie still hasn’t started her physical therapy from her strokes last October. She has slight paralysis, but she would be able to see improvement if she started her therapy. It just seems like she doesn’t care or want to. When my grandma had her strokes @ 8 years ago, they didn’t even expect her to live, much less walk, talk, etc. But she’s a determined woman, and she gets around just fine now, with the aid of just a cane. If Cookie tried, I’m sure she could be doing a lot better than she is, too.

My leg/knee is still in the process of healing. The majority of the swelling and bruising is finally gone, but I do still have a small knot in one part of the leg as well as very faint spots of bruising. I’m getting there though, slowly but surely.

I’ve got another doctor’s appointment on Saturday. Follow-up testing from all the crap I went through before, just to make sure everything’s still okay. I won’t say more than that for two reasons: A) I don’t want to have to password protect this whole post just because of one little mention and B) there just isn’t anything TO say right now.

And, to end this on a purely trivial note… it’s been just over one year since I chopped off all my hair. I still like it, too. It’s a little longer right now since I’m in need for another trim, but I like being able to put it up in a short ponytail, so I’m in no hurry to get it cut. Haha. But if it gets much longer, it’ll be time for another chop. Even a year later, though, sometimes I forget that it’s short now.