Vacation, had to get away

Vacation time is finally here!!! I cannot wait to get out of this place and on that plane so I can see my bestest friend Emily again. Last night I was in that panicked and frenzied “oh god oh god we’re all doing to die!” … I mean the “oh god oh god I’m not ready at all!” phaze of my pre-travel routine. Today I’m nice and calm and ready to go. Mostly. There’s still worry that I forgot something, but then I always have that worry. haha.

Mom is coming up to Toronto too, for a few days. She flies out with me tonight, then she goes home Tuesday morning. Since she’s never been to Toronto (much less any of Canada), we’re going to show her around town and also go to Niagara for Sat/Sun.

I’m all bouncy excited ready to go, and I’ve still got an eternity to go until the plane even leaves. At least I get off work in 2 hours.

My boss turned in his notice last week. His last day is the 17th. I’m not sure who we are going to report to after he’s gone. At least he’s going to do my review before he goes, so that’ll be good. hah. A few other high-up people turned in their notices last week as well.

I wanted to write more, but I can’t seem to concentrate at all. Oh well!!

Just say no!

There is a dry erase board on my floor, right next to the door leading in from the elevators (and near a break room). When passing by there this morning, I saw that there was a new message and drawing. It consisted of:

“Let’s say no to cockroaches!” written above a small drawing of a cockroach that had been crossed out with a large X.

Then someone came along and drew another cockroach, with a thought bubble that read: “That is so unfair! I was just eating the left over pizza!”

And finally, a third line beneath that, someone wrote “Oh, I’m sorry I crushed you then”.


I saw the sign

We have a staff meeting this afternoon, to talk about the work load. The ECWFH didn’t help out any last week on the work, (per usual) and I was the one to do all of the work. Yet she thinks I’m “not doing enough” to “help her” do the work. I’m doing my work plus the work of the coworker that was laid off. She needs to help me, because I can’t do it all. So this is going to be a FUN meeting. I went through and put together some charts of work load to hand out to everyone. I also have been keeping a log for the past few weeks of all the work I do vs what is to be done, to cover my own ass. So I’ve got that on my side, too, to show I’ve been doing it all.

But. The funny for it is my horoscope for today: “Leo: Have you been thinking about changing your career? Today is a great day to start.” Hmmm. I just might need to look into that. hah.