I am your music and I am your song

When I buy a new country cd, I have a tradition I follow. The first thing I do is read all the song titles. I want to know the name of every song before I listen – I’m weird that way. 😉 The second thing I do is crack that open and search the CD booklet for song writer information. I scan the writers for familiar names to get an idea of how the cd will sound. If I see certain writers, I know I’m more likely to like the song when I hear it; and other writers are a flag I won’t like it. Then with all the writers I don’t know, I know those songs can easily go either way. For example, If I see Jeffrey Steele listed in the credits, I know there’s a 50/50 chance of me liking the song. I always either absolutely hate or love his songs – there’s never an inbetween for me when it comes to him. If I see Neil Thrasher in the credits, I know there’s a very good chance I’ll like the song.

Case in point. I bought Lonestar’s brand new cd over the weekend. I popped it open and started looking over the credits. I spotted Neil Thrasher on 2 tunes, and was pretty pleased. Then I saw Jason Sellers’ name and was VERY happy. I knew I would love that song. Sure enough, after listening to all the songs on the cd, the one Jason wrote is by far my favorite, and I did like both of the ones that Neil wrote. With the exception of Richie & Dean, I didn’t recognize any of the other song writers names off hand, and some I liked, some I didn’t. No big surprise there.

And yes, if you haven’t guessed, there’s no real point to this post other than that I needed to ramble. I’ll be writing more – hopefully soon – about Canada. Things have been just crazy enough to keep me from writing any more than a few sentences at a time.

It’s not easy always fighting gravity

I’ve been a super bad slacker girl lately. I haven’t been updating, I haven’t been doing my facts, I haven’t been doing a lot of things I’m supposed to be doing. But I have been sticking to my diet, so at least that counts for something?

Mostly, I’ve been planning. After almost a full day of deliberations, they decided to approve my vacation. It shouldn’t have been an issue in the first place, but oh well. In about 21 days, I will be off to Toronto. Yay! There’s plans for an overnight trip to Niagara Falls, glow-in-the-dark putt putt, Thanksgiving dinner a day or two early, and a yet undefined “more”. Haha. What can I say, we haven’t decided yet what all we’re going to do. Thanks to the frequent flier miles, what should have been a $463 plane ticket, only cost me $31! Woo! It makes vacation planning a lot easier, when the getting there isn’t going to drain you. 😉

I also wrote a new manual for work and revamped several others. They’re nice and easy to follow along in, so it should help in case any problems arise while I’m far far away. Ha. I hope, anyway.

Between now and then, I’ve got a myriad of doctor appointments, yet I don’t have one with my knee doctor. That’s probably the one I need to see most before I go. Oops? I’ll likely call on Monday and try to get an appointment before I leave. I doubt I’ll get a shot this time around, but it will still be better to get the knees checked out before I go, since they’ve been giving me some problems.

Mali has a vet visit tomorrow, a follow-up from her last one. I’m not sure that the pills are working, but she does seem slightly less stressed out than she used to. I just hate having to catch her and give her a pill every day. But the poor kitty is going to definitely need the meds while I’m gone, so she has to have her check up to get more meds.

Like asking Niagara not to fall

YAY!!!!! It looks like I finally fixed the feed issues on livejournal! Maybe. Kinda. I did an end-run around the problem, by switching to summaries only. But that means if you read the feed there, you’ll have to come over here to read the full entry. Sorry! Livejournal didn’t like me any more; it was saying my feed was too big. Oops. I write too much. haha. At least I now know that my feed validates as Rss 2.0, though!

Of course, I was focusing so much on that, I didn’t do my facts. I’ve got one to post… I just need to play around with the images for it first. Make the smaller and brighter, even if they will still be crappy. I guess I should come up with another fact for now until I do that one, huh?

I think I figured out the tongue swelling issue from yesterday. It only lasted about 30 minutes, and only about half of it got swollen. I think I accidentally got a tiny piece of seafood on my Slim Fast can and ingested it. It’s the only thing I can think of that I’ve been near recently, and I know I’m allergic to seafood. There hasn’t been anything else in my diet or surroundings that’s out of the ordinary, so it shouldn’t/wouldn’t be an unknown allergy.

Thanks to finally earning enough miles for that free flight, I should hopefully be off to Canada next month. I have 7 vacation days that I have to use by the end of next month, so that will give me a nice chunk of vacation time. Another trip to Niagara Falls is one thing already on the books, this time a 2 day trip so we can spread it out and not kill ourselves trying to do everything in a day. It looks like I’ll be there over Canadian Thanksgiving, so we’ll also be going up to Emily’s parents for the holiday. Two Thanksgivings for me this year! Woot! Haha. We’ve just got to get a few things arranged on both ends first in regards to vacation days, then I can cash in those frequent flier miles.

According to an article I read the other day, they’re going to try to avoid all the massive gaps in between new episodes of LOST this season. So, the way it’s supposed to go: the season will premiere on Oct 4, and we will get 6 straight weeks of new episodes, through to November 8. After that, the show goes on a LOOOOOONG (12 week) holiday hiatus. It is supposed to start back up at the beginning of February sweeps (Feb 7) and run the remaining episodes of the season straight through to the finale (May 23), with no breaks/reruns/etc. And they’d damn well better not have reruns, after a 3 month hiatus!! The sections of uninterrupted episodes will be wonderful, but that is going to be one hellacious holiday break. Hahah. I’ve got most of my TV line up planned out, but of course that’s likely to change as new shows fail to keep my interest, or get cancelled. I’m mostly just glad “House” is back already. Mmmmm House.

I guess I’d better go work on writing up a fact…