Home from the first day!

I think today went pretty well. It’ll take a bit of time for me to get up to par with the other gals on how quick I do my work, but that’s to be expected.

I met a bunch of new people today, and unfortunately can’t remember all their names on the first day. One of the people I wanted to mention is one of the people that I’ve forgotten her name. So, for the purpose of this post, I’ll just call her J. J works in a different department than me. I’d met her this morning on a tour of the building. She popped by later this afternoon, and stopped at the cubicle next to mine to talk to Dorothy. She peaked around the corner at me, and then the following conversation about me took place:

J: Oh good! You guys haven’t scared her off yet!
Dorothy: She’s not allowed to leave. Ever. We’re keeping her working here forever!!!!

Hee! They like me!! 😀

Here we go!

Today is the first day of the new job. I’m half surprised I’m actually awake. I mean, I need to be, and it’s a good thing I am — I just have been having a big problem with sleeping and with getting up. My cat is glaring at me from across the room, upset that I’m actually up and planning on going somewhere. She’s gotten used to me being home all day.

I’m all nervous this morning. My mind is racing, absolutely positive that there’s a million things I should be doing .. and yet I can’t think of a single one. Well, except for the obvious one of getting dressed. And that one I’m heading off to do in @ five minutes. I don’t want to get dressed too early, then be sitting around in my nice new pretty clothes, and look all wrinkled when I get there. :[

One of the (many) nice things about this job is how freaking close to the house it is. When I worked at Comp, it was a 15 mile one-way drive (30 miles daily round trip). To this new job? It’s a 7 mile round trip each day. Only 3.5 miles one way. That’s just wonderful – especially in case the gas prices decide to go super evil again. 😉

But. Okay, yup. My 5 minutes are up, so now it’s time to go finish getting ready. Wish me luck!

Yes. Yes I do indeed have a job. WHEE!

I have now have a badge and employee handbook; and I filled out W-4s and all kinds of other paperwork, and I am an official employee of the RISD. 😀 I still don’t know exactly how much I’m making, but I have a ballpark minimum figure, and I’ll find out the exact dollar amount when I go in again tomorrow to get fingerprinted.

The one thing that made me go O.O is the pay schedule. I get paid just once a month. And, because I’m starting on the first day of a new pay period — I don’t receive my first paycheck until February 27th. Wow. That is a long way away!

Because I’m paraprofessional staff, I do have to take Staff Development classes. Because I’m starting halfway through the school year, I have to have 6 hours of SD completed by April 1. Then, it’s 12 hours per school year. That’s not too bad at all. I haven’t looked up what all is offered yet.