If you don’t answer, I’ll just ring it off the wall

If you call me, and I don’t answer – leave a message. Calling repeatedly isn’t going to make me answer the phone, it’s only going to piss me off. Majorly. I’m not answering your call because guess what – I’m at lunch!!!! It’s lunch time, imagine that! I’m not on the clock, so I’m not going to deal with anything work related. Sorry if that annoys you, but too fucking bad. Besides, if I wasn’t taking lunch IN my office, I wouldn’t be here to get the call anyway, so kiss my ass.

10+ attempts to call in a matter of 5 minutes is absolutely ridiculous. Just leave a damned message after the FIRST attempt, and I’ll call you when I get back from lunch! That’s how NORMAL people do things when the person they are calling doesn’t answer the phone! JPSIHGPSIHGPIOSHGPOS!!!!!!111

I’m a sight for my sore eyes

I’m still snowed under at work. Every time it feels like I’ve made some sort of progress, finally, then the next day I get absolutely snowed under again with new work. Initially, I was going to put in some OT this weekend (I’ve already been working through my lunch breaks every day this week.), but I think today’s jump in the workload made me change my mind.

I’ve just got to remind myself that I’m really not Superwoman. While I get pissy when other people in the office get mad that I’m “behind” when I’m not and expect way too much — I also have a tendency to get mad at myself when I can’t do it all. I just need to sit myself down and tell myself that I’m doing an amazing job and doing more than most people expect me to do and that I’m only human and can’t do everything and that I should be proud of myself for what I have done instead of punishing myself for what I haven’t. That’s so much easier said than done though.

But yes, I decided to just go ahead and not work this weekend. Both of my bosses said I shouldn’t, and that I’ve already busted my ass and should take it easy. So I’m going to try. At least it’s nice to know THEY know how hard I’m working, even if other departments are jerks.

I was getting closer and closer to feeling like I was about to have a nervous breakdown. My mom actually helped a lot there, she brought me flowers at work on Thursday to make me feel better. She and I might not get along all the time, but she does have her really really nice moments. That made me smile a lot, and helped make me decide/realize that I HAVE to take it easy. It also helped break the stress – some. It’ll take a while before it dissipates completely.

On a completely unrelated note – the random giggle of the day: I saw this in the MSN Gossip column this morning, and I have to admit that the parenthetical comment made me laugh:

Back on Valentine’s Day, Drew and Spike (hey, is anyone else having a “Buffy” flashback right about now? Anyone? OK, must just be us) were reportedly spotted “cuddling and looking very lovey-dovey” while rocking out together at an Arcade Fire show in New York.

Footnote: I actually wrote this post last week (3/16), and never finished it. I decided I’m still gonna post it today (3/20) as-is and back date it. I have it set in my head that I need to post it before I can write a new entry, even though there’s not really a reason. Ha. Oh well. The workings of my brain are strange.

I can't be the superwoman that you want me to be

Sometimes… sometimes being very good at your job is a curse instead of a blessing.

People are starting to claim that we’re behind. Um. We’re not behind. I’ve been busting my ass doing the work of 3.5 people, and sure I might be barely treading water, but we’re still not behind. I’m current. I’m thisclose to still be every bit AS current as we were when we were fully staffed. It’s still another 2 business days before the oldest work I have on hand becomes “late” — and we’ve always guaranteed all work submitted would be processed within 5 business days. Sure in the past, because of me being as good as I am, we were able to pamper them and get it done even faster than that. But guess what, it’s ONLY me right now, and I am doing the best that I can, am STILL current and keeping things within my time-limit; yet that’s not good enough for them.

Gee, do they not remember that we just had a MASSIVE layoff and over 50% of the company is gone and that maybe, just maybe, there might be delays in getting work done? I’m doing the best damn job that I can, and would it be so hard to say “thank you” instead of bitching about work that I still have time to do?

Today? Yes, today I know I am going to get more behind, and possibly start drowning in the work. I’m going to have to pull some overtime this week and maybe on Saturday, to get caught up. But, in addition to the work that @ 10-20 people submit (that I am processing all by myself) and are complaining about, I just got FLOODED in work from the bank, plus a MASSIVE wire came in that I have to process ASAP, plus I have my normal daily duties of the cash disbursement half of my job.

I told my boss yesterday that when the wire came in, I was going to jump out the window. I jokingly tried to when he came in this AM and told me it was here. On a good/normal day, that wire takes me 6-8 hours to process and apply. So there is an entire day that I cannot work on my other duties, and that WILL make me behind on those. Sigh. I cannot win for losing. Why couldn’t the damned wire come in next week, when my coworker will have finally returned from vacation, so that I could have some kind of help?

Sigh. Speaking of vacation — I am SO fucking happy that mine is in 1.5 weeks. I NEED to get out of here and away from this place so so so desperately. The knowledge that soon I will be getting away from here and getting to spend time with Emily are the only 2 things keeping me going right now.

Note: Yes, I know I sound egotistical about me being “so damn good” at my job. But, let me just say I’m not being delusional here at how good I am. It’s been noted upon by many people in this and other departments. On multiple occasions, my boss has said that he does not expect anyone else in our dept to be as fast as me, and he will not use me as a measuring stick to compare them to, since I’m just that fast. And I also know that I am NOT the fastest little keyer out there — I’m just the fastest/best in THIS department. If I were to go to a different company, I’d probably just be average.