And if I meet you, what if I eat you, I am the tiger

Tigers are… Hugely generous, well mannered, courageous, honourale, noble, magnetic, lucky, strong, authorititive, sensitive, deep thinking, dedicated, passionate

Tiger make good leaders and warriors.

Tigers can also be… Aggressive, undisciplined, uncompromising, vain, disobedient, hot headed, stubborn, disrespectful of rules

Most compatable with: Horse, Dog, Dragon

Least compatable with: Monkey, Ox

Famous Tigers: Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Jodie Foster, Stevie Wonder, Phil Collins, Ludwig van Beethoven, Karl Marx, Oscar Wilde

Western co-signs: TIGER/Leo Fire and wood again. Shining brightly, the Tiger/Leo ought to be the happiest of beasts. The indisputable king of the jungle hasn’t a worry in the world. For once his arch-rival is on his side. Nothing short of an excess of pride and preening vanity should daunt him. His ego might just get in the way of his brain from time to time. If you deal with this creature, keep your sense of humour. His roar is worse than his bite.

The Chinese Elements and your sign: The Wood Tiger
This Tiger is well noted for his (or her) boundless enthusiasm and exceptional daring. An unflinching pioneer, he loves to undertake grandiose projects and do what has never been done before. But he prefers initiating to realizing, and few of his enterprises are carried through to a happy conclusion. Failure, however, never influences his calenture in a way or another. Whatever the situation in which he may find himself, the Tiger of this combination can always discover something that fascinates him. Boredom is consequently unknown to his nature. He lives intensely, crowding every minute of his life and never allowing himself to muddle through or indulge in self-pity for a single moment. He holds, contempt for both ivory-tower idealists and garrulous theoreticians alike, being himself unable to pursue any thought or conversation in depth. He is prone to sudden, unpredictable explosions of boiling anger, and this weakness of his is a serious handicap in his relations with others. Despite his fiery character, he does need a congenial affective atmosphere in order to function properly. The Wood Tiger is often a prey to his various internal conflicts. He is often torn between his selfishness and his generosity. He acutely feels the necessity of more patience and consistency, yet he cannot help being drawn away from one job to another. There is also a contradiction between his obvious desire for adventures and his secret longing for a cozy life. It is important that he can solve these conflicts during his adolescence, preferably with psychiatric help.

Just don't stick me with a label

It’s a given that I like doing memes. And this one is scarily accurate. So, if you want a good idea of my personality and how to deal with me, pay attention.

The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test
You chose BY – your Enneagram type is FOUR: The Romantic.

“I am unique”

Romantics have sensitive feelings and are warm and perceptive.

How to Get Along with Me:
  • Give me plenty of compliments. They mean a lot to me.
  • Be a supportive friend or partner. Help me to learn to love and value myself.
  • Respect me for my special gifts of intuition and vision.
  • Though I don’t always want to be cheered up when I’m feeling melancholy, I sometimes like to have someone lighten me up a little.
  • Don’t tell me I’m too sensitive or that I’m overreacting!
What I Like About Being a Four:
  • my ability to find meaning in life and to experience feeling at a deep level
  • my ability to establish warm connections with people
  • admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life
  • my creativity, intuition, and sense of humor
  • being unique and being seen as unique by others
  • having aesthetic sensibilities
  • being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me
What’s Hard About Being a Four:
  • experiencing dark moods of emptiness and despair
  • feelings of self-hatred and shame; believing I don’t deserve to be loved
  • feeling guilty when I disappoint people
  • feeling hurt or attacked when someone misundertands me
  • expecting too much from myself and life
  • fearing being abandoned
  • obsessing over resentments
  • longing for what I don’t have
Fours as Children Often:
  • have active imaginations: play creatively alone or organize playmates in original games
  • are very sensitive
  • feel that they don’t fit in
  • believe they are missing something that other people have
  • attach themselves to idealized teachers, heroes, artists, etc.
  • become antiauthoritarian or rebellious when criticized or not understood
  • feel lonely or abandoned (perhaps as a result of a death or their parents’ divorce
Fours as Parents:
  • help their children become who they really are
  • support their children’s creativity and originality
  • are good at helping their children get in touch with their feelings
  • are sometimes overly critical or overly protective
  • are usually very good with children if not too self-absorbed

People are strange when you're a stranger

(Originally left as a comment on a friend’s blog)
Hi. I’m weird. I’m a freak and a geek. I march to a drummer all my own… who’s being accompanied by someone on bagpipes. 😉 I’m an oddity of nature. And I’m proud of it. I do not want to be “normal”. Normal is … bleh. It’s too easy to blend into the background and go completely unnoticed when you’re normal. If you’re different, you stand out. You make a mark. People notice. Granted, they that’s not always a good thing, but oh well.

Have I always been this accepting of being different? No. I struggled with it for a long time. I also admit I still have my moments that I struggle with it and long to be like others. But even when I want to be like others… I want to be just enough like them that I fit in, while still retaining enough of what makes me unique. I don’t want to be a cookie cutter image of everyone else.

Hmm. I realised I could actually ramble on and on here – even more than I ordinarily do. So I think I’ll just stop there and keep on going in my own blog later. Thanks for the post inspiration. But, what it boils down to – I think that line in the movie is actually backwards. Being “weird” is usually natural and effortless. It’s the being normal and striving to fit in that takes energy. At least it’s always been that way for me.