Info on the possible job

Okay, so, yes. Now that I’m home from dinner and have more time to write — more info on the job.

It’s for an Accounts Payable Specialist, and it’s in the school district I live in, and that I attended as a youngster. The office is only 3.5 miles from my house and it only takes me about 10 minutes to get there. It’s definitely close enough that I could run home on my lunch break if I needed to. It’s also close enough that going in on an inclement weather day (if the district is open) wouldn’t be a big issue, since there are no bridges/underpasses/etc between here and there. And, well, being that close, I’d be using a lot less gas, there’d be less wear and tear on my car, and all those other good things. Hee.

Job Description


I GOT A JOB!!!! MAYBE!!!! Hahahah


It’s the position I interviewed for yesterday, with the school district. I just got off the phone with the manager from there, and she said they are telling HR that I’m the candidate that they want to hire. So now I just have to go through the whole background check rig-a-ma-role, and all that fun stuff, then the job is mine!! YAY!!! *bounces*

The bad part — today is the last day of work for the district for the year. So I won’t hear anything at all from HR until next year. (They start back up on Jan 5th.) So, while I say I have a job — I don’t, technically. Not until some time during the beginning to middle of January, after HR finishes their end of it all. HEEE!!!

Wish me luck!

I finally got a call back from one of the temp agencies; the one that called a couple of weeks ago and didn’t leave a message. I have a screening interview there tomorrow. Two interviews, actually. I’ll be interviewing with the both the temporary hire and direct hire departments.

Then, later this afternoon, I got a call from a local school district. I’m going in on Thursday to interview there, for a position in the Accounts Payable department. The lady I spoke with is the manager of the department, and she sounded nice. I’ll be interviewing with her and her boss.

So — wish me luck, please!

ETA – Oh. And yes. I’m really digging the new show “Leverage”. A lot.