My Nana (mom’s mom) just passed away.
She’s had a rough past few months, a couple minor strokes, massive dehydration, anemia, etc. She was hospitalized a few times with all these issues. Then, last weekend, she was taken back into the hospital. They diagnosed her with pancreatic cancer, and apparently it was pretty severe, because the doc told my uncle that she could have a day, maybe a week, left to live.
Mom originally was supposed to be going to England next month to visit her family. We’ve been working hard to get her flights changed, get her packed, etc so that she could get there this week instead. We were hoping she could make it there before Nana passed, but time just wasn’t on our side. Mom’s flight leaves in @ 5 hours, and gets her to London at @ 11am – then she has to travel a few more hours to get to Framlingham. While she wasn’t able to make it there in time to say goodbye, at least she’ll be there for the funeral. :-/
I wish I could go, but I can’t afford the trip. 🙁 I have the ability to travel, since I’m still unemployed, but since I don’t have a job, I can’t afford to spend the $$ on the flight. And the exchange rate is so bad right now, that even if I could afford the plane ticket, I couldn’t afford to have any kind of money for expenses while there. (Case in point – I bought mom money yesterday. $995.06 got her £475. Yipes!) Someone needs to stay home with the animals, and my brother won’t care for them, so that leaves me, anyway.
I only ever met my Nana once. It was just a couple months before my 10th birthday, and we stayed in Framlingham for a month. So it’s been a very long time. Mom’s been back to England a few times since then, but I’ve never been able to afford the trip, or get the time off. 🙁