Tuesday evening, I had a new ceiling fan installed in my room. Finally, considering the old one gave out several years ago. Afterwards, I was taking some pictures of my room for a friend. The first shot I took, something felt … off. So I took another one, figuring that the first was just blurry. Well, it was blurry, but that wasn’t all. There was also a floating orb in the first shot. I’ve gone crazy, trying to figure out what on earth was between me and the wall that possibly could’ve reflected flash back at me … and there isn’t anything at all. It’s more than a little creepy. Heh.
Before the spooky picture-taking, though, I had to run out to the store to buy new lightbulbs and a new electrical box, as the one the wall switch for the new fan is supposed to mount in is too small. I was on my way home, at the last major intersection between me and my house, waiting for the left turn light to turn green. An 18 wheeler came out of the gas station to my right and pulled across so he was right next to me and blocking all 3 lanes. The driver straightened up as the main light went green, so he was still next to me, but still should have gone straight. My lane got the turn signal and the 18 wheeler went and turned left from the lane next to me; and almost right over me. Almost crushed me under his wheels. Luckily I was able to react fast enough because I’ve been in too many accidents and I know when someone’s trying to kill me so I held back and didn’t get flattened. The driver of that fucking 18 wheeler didn’t care at all that he was making an illegal turn, or that he almost hit cars who were making the turn, legally. It was only my reaction that stopped me from getting hit. The last thing I need is to get hit again this year. Twice in one week was more than enough for me, thankyouverymuch.
Wednesday was time for me to head back to my orthopedist for a consultation on my knees. We opted for another cortisone injection in the right knee, as well as my first injection in the left knee. I’m only allowed 1 more shot in the right knee for the next year, or else the steroids could have an adverse affect and do more harm than good to my knees. The injection into the right knee went well. It hurt, but that pain didn’t last too terribly long. The left knee, however, that didn’t go so bad. I don’t know what happened, but the shot hurt considerably worse going in, and has caused some pretty nasty bruising around the injection site. The steroid itself has helped – there’s no knee pain from the osteoarthritis – however the bruising is still very painful, and it also limits my range of motion! It feels like I traded off one type of pain for another. At least I know the bruise will fade soon enough, and hopefully the pain will dissipate with it, and I’ll actually be able to walk like a normal human being for once.
My bestest friend in the entire world is coming to visit me in just 11 days. I cannot wait for her to get here. My credit card got a bit of a workout today, as I was ordering things I’ll need for our vacation. New shoes, toys to play with, etc – now all that’s left (I think) is to order a new swimsuit, and I’ll be all set. Mostly. I think. I hope. We’ll see. If I’m not, I’m not. But I really hope I am.